
In short, this blog is about the road to my Financial Independence, using passive income streams generated via low cost mutual funds. For a longer read, please read on 🙂

About a year ago (circa 2013), I realized that my mind was searching for a way to get out of the rat race. Things which used to interest me at work no longer did…ugly things which I could just ignore before, I no longer could…in fact, I started seeing more ugly things than before 🙂 I started questioning the reasons behind all the slogging without actually having the time to even think about an alternate. For example, the place where I have been renting for almost 3 years has a pool and a jacuzzi which I have only been two twice….that busy. But, what have I got in return for that? Lots of stress, bad health and of course some money, but I had nothing much to show for it after all of this…..money seemed to flow away like water. It does not help that I live in a very expensive part of the country and wanted to remain there. I.e. I saw no end to this slogging and spending.

It was then I ran into the concept of Financial Independence and Early Retirement. I came across a couple of wonderful blogs (Mr. Money Mustache, RetireBy40, ExtremeEarlyRetirement, MadFientist, etc) that showed me the way to an alternate way of life. It came as a shock to me that money could be used that way. So I decided to reach for a goal of financial independence in 10 years i.e. when I turn 50, I should be financially independent…at the least, I should not have to work…but may choose to work.

How do I do that? I then came across the notion of Passive Income streams as a means of financial independence. So, I decided that I will be creating passive income streams over the next 10 years and create a path to financial independence. This blog will capture my journey. I wanted to create this blog for many reasons:

  • Act as a commitment to the goal of FI in 10 years
  • Act as a medium for me to get some feedback from smart people
  • Act as something to do apart from my real work…i.e. gimme a break 😉
  • Act as a resource for people in a similar situation as me to discuss things freely

That said, let us start the journey!



11 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: How to fund my Retirement? | Humble FI

  2. Pingback: Mortgage Case Study 1: $625K mortgage | Humble FI

  3. Pingback: Mortgage Case Study 2: $525K mortgage | Humble FI

  4. Wait, you never ran into my blog about achieving financial freedom while maximizing your income and net worth?! All good 🙂

    Financial Samurai really focuses on the income and net worth portion of financial freedom. To live the most free and enriching life possible without having to live like a pauper.



    • Oh no….one of the gods of Financial Independence visited my house and I was not there 😦 Hey Sam, how can I not know you!! You are present in my Blogroll and I visit your site atleast a couple times a week!! When I wrote this About section, I was a newbie into the path of FI….all the links above helped me get into the path of FI…once I got in, hey, how could I not run into you 🙂

      Sorry for the delay. I was out of the country on work and when I came back, the company where I work was acquired and shockingly, a massive layoff followed. I was impacted as well and you know what, this validated my push to FI even more. I could not engineer my layoff like you, but it is what it is. Welcome to my home and please continue to publish the awesome content that you always do!!


  5. Pingback: How much freedom did I buy today? | Humble FI

  6. Pingback: Housing Dilemma….Part 1 | Humble FI

  7. Pingback: Uncertainty….some thoughts. | Humble FI

  8. Pingback: Financial Independence Progress Report for January 2018 | Humble FI

  9. Pingback: 2018 Goals and Quarterly Updates | Humble FI

  10. Pingback: 2020 Goals and Quarterly Updates | Humble FI

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